Monday 12 June 2023

Monday Heat in Norwich

 I did not sleep very well last night, sore feet, been walking around, waiting for trains, getting information is hard, as some people follow Eugenics theory, and call it "Common Sense", without understanding the reasons why?

It come from Ancient Greek, and this meaning has change with time and each of us, talking about it, .

Francis Galton seem to have started a modern movement , but now that might seem something from the UK's Victorian times, I overhear someone working night talking about English blood being better and different to all other , I feel silly for even talking about it.

We are humans, and learning and way of life might be English, but even that is mixed, based on many other part of the world, from our history of mixing with each other, to way before we call this land England or Britain ?

Yes, I feel silly, as I would never can teach someone who think themselves as English, or any other country name, and think of many reason why they are better or more than others, because we can see our own good points more, as we are with ourselves 24 / 7, and if we only think of people we fear or dislike bad point, then we become better than them?

Shows little understanding, but with them words, I show the problem , even I have.

Silly me

I went shopping at Primark, I need new work trousers, pants, etc.

I also got new footwear, which was just cheap £7 and £10, down from £14 & £18.

What I got from Primark

In The Bell Hotel

the points are back at Morrisons?
Not a fan of this shop, and getting less.
Something they are good at, cheap bread, but ? 


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