Monday 10 October 2022

Did A Tory Activist Just Attack Nurses Going On Strike?

Someone saying that NHS Nurses are getting too much, because she says that she not getting that amount?
So no matter what skills, training, learning and work the Nurse is doing, the moaning about how much they get, is based on what others  get and jealousy.
Many people in the public sector do job that are very much needed by us the public, and they should be rewarded for it, not blamed.
Public Sector workers had very limited pay rise of 1% for many years, then Covid come, and they become Key Workers, which they always have been, and now they are back being a cost that has to be cut, and not seen as a investment in our society.

We see the waste of money in many ways, spending on Public Sector, the NHS is no one of them, and many of us will find that out, when we become ill and need the services.

Only a few months ago, I seem to remember reading that the NHS nurses are payed too little, now as they plan to try to negotiate a solution to the problems they have, it is said they got too much?


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