Sunday 16 October 2022

Notes to myself

 Inside my own head, my brain, I do not think we know how to debate, may be the more skillfully of our human race do, but even then, can we debate with a wasp, silly me, no?

But many other humans can see debate is a waste of time, even if it the one thing that can change each other minds, and grow respect and learning.

Not for the reason we might hold, but we need open minds to see how we can be wrong or right, or something in the middle, no one is perfect.

We can think of the world as only two side, foe and frinds, but that not so simple, we earn our friends by understanding each other, our foes are just people who might not understand yet, and when we do, they might be our best friends, or foe of course, you do not know till you find out, and that takes a open mind.


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