Tuesday 2 July 2024

1 in 5 Brits are disabled - how are political parties going to help them?

I thinking to myself, there are many more people who are disabled than most of us know or understand, and some people who are disabled, may not like to be judged on what they can not do, but seen and understood on what they can ?

Sometimes many of us find it hard to find a skill and value in ourselves, being seen as disabled, can only make that harder, in many ways, that I can not understand and put into words. 

I seem to remember a bak about how to teach a cat, this might seem silly, but what every theory or opinion we have, it need to be simple and easy to understand, for others to agree because they understand ? 

It so easy to think that I understand my own opinion, so everyone else should, ?
We know our own reasons, but do not know others, so may be we should try to find out, and try to understand why others might not agree, or even why they might agree ?

I have gone a little off subject, do political parties have policies that support disabled people ? That is very broad number of people, with many needs, and as we get older, our own bodies get more worn, and affected by age.
We should have the wisdom to value ourselves, but not the hate to devalue others. 

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