Tuesday 9 April 2024

Tuesday 09:30 to 16:30 Thorpe Station

 [08:58, 09/04/2024] Michael Noël Turner: =====================================================

[08:59, 09/04/2024] Michael Noël Turner: +++ Tuesday +++ 09:30 to 16:30 Thorpe Station

[09:11, 09/04/2024] Michael Noël Turner: 745009 platform 10:00 Norwich Thorpe to London Liverpool Street

745003 Royal Dock

[09:46, 09/04/2024] Michael Noël Turner: 745002 platform 2 1P10 07:55 London Liverpool Street to Norwich Thorpe arrived at 09:46 (09:48) for 1P29 10:30 Norwich Thorpe to London Liverpool Street cleaning 🧹🧼 inside and cabs 🪥

09:30 Norwich Thorpe to London Liverpool Street not 🚫 running 🎽 today.

[10:25, 09/04/2024] Michael Noël Turner: 745006 platform 1 08:30 London Liverpool Street to Norwich Thorpe arrived at 10:25  for 1P31 11 00 Norwich Thorpe to London Liverpool Street cleaning 🧹🧼 inside and cabs 🪥

745103 Royal Dock 1P47 15:00 Norwich Thorpe to London Liverpool Street

[10:44, 09/04/2024] Michael Noël Turner: 745102 platform 2 1P14 09:46 Colchester North to Norwich Thorpe arrived at 10:44 for I forgot, lol 5P64

Quick clean, but very clean anyway ?

[11:22, 09/04/2024] Michael Noël Turner: 745004 platform 1 1P16 09:30 London Liverpool Street to Norwich Thorpe arrived at 11:22 for lock 🔒 up 5P16 no cleaning 

1P18 10:00 London Liverpool Street to Norwich Thorpe due 11:47 for 1P35

[11:39, 09/04/2024] Michael Noël Turner: 745004 platform 1 left at 11:39

[11:44, 09/04/2024] Michael Noël Turner: 745104 platform 1 1P18 10:00 London Liverpool Street to Norwich Thorpe arrived at 11:45 for 1P35 12:00 Norwich Thorpe to London Liverpool Street cleaning 🧹🧼 inside and cabs 🪥

[12:21, 09/04/2024] Michael Noël Turner: 745007 platform 1 1P20 10:30 London Liverpool Street to Norwich Thorpe arrived at 12:21 for 1P37 13:00 Norwich Thorpe to London Liverpool Street cleaning 🧹🧼 inside and cabs 🪥

755332 & 755404 & 755401 platform 2 arrived at 12:04 for 1P37 12:32 Norwich Thorpe to London Liverpool Street

[12:38, 09/04/2024] Michael Noël Turner: 14:20 is 14:30 back

[12:42, 09/04/2024] Michael Noël Turner: 745103 platform 2 1P22 11:00 London Liverpool Street to Norwich Thorpe arrived at  12:42 for 5P22 for CPD Reception, then after 745003 has left for 15:00 London 1P47, will go to Royal Dock

[12:52, 09/04/2024] Michael Noël Turner: 1P24 11:30 London Liverpool Street to Norwich Thorpe due 13:22 - 1P43 14 00 Norwich Thorpe to London Liverpool Street

1P26 12:30 London Liverpool Street to Norwich Thorpe due 14:21 for 1P45 14 30 Norwich Thorpe to London Liverpool Street

1P28 13:00 London Liverpool Street to Norwich Thorpe due 14:46 for ? 

1P30 13:30 London Liverpool Street to Norwich Thorpe due 15:19 for 1P49 15 30 Norwich Thorpe to London Liverpool Street

1P34 14:30 London Liverpool Street to Norwich Thorpe due 16:20 for 17:03 Norwich Thorpe to London Liverpool Street

[13:10, 09/04/2024] Michael Noël Turner: A. 1P24 11:30 London Liverpool Street to Norwich Thorpe due 13:22 platform 1 for 1P43 14:01 Norwich Thorpe to London Liverpool Street

B. 1P28 12:30 London Liverpool Street to Norwich Thorpe 14:21  platform 1 for 1P45 14:30 Norwich Thorpe to London Liverpool Street

C. Royal Dock 745103 for 1P47 15:00 Norwich Thorpe to London Liverpool Street


D. 1P30 13:00 London Liverpool Street to Norwich Thorpe due 14:46 for 1P49 15:30 Norwich Thorpe to London Liverpool Street

E. 1P32 13:30 London Liverpool Street to Norwich Thorpe due 15:19 platform 1 for 1P51 16:00 Norwich Thorpe to London Liverpool Street

F. 1P36 14:30 London Liverpool Street to Norwich Thorpe due 17:20 platform 1 for 1P55 17:03 Norwich Thorpe to London Liverpool Street

[13:20, 09/04/2024] Michael Noël Turner: 745008 platform 1 1P24 11:30 London Liverpool Street to Norwich Thorpe arrived at 13:20 for 1P43 14:01 Norwich Thorpe to London Liverpool Street cleaning 🧹🧼 inside and cabs 🪥

[14:26, 09/04/2024] Michael Noël Turner: 745009 platform 1 1P28 12:30 London Liverpool Street to Norwich Thorpe arrived at 14:27 for 1P45 14 30 Norwich Thorpe to London Liverpool Street cleaning 🧹🧼 inside and cabs 🪥 very badly 🤢

170270 platform 5B 1L08 08:51 Liverpool Lime Street to Norwich Thorpe arrived at 14:17 for 1R78 14:56 Norwich Thorpe to Liverpool Lime Street 20:29

745103 platform 1 arrived at 14:22 from Royal Dock for 1P47 15:00 Norwich Thorpe to London Liverpool Street, cleaned before 

745103 Royal Dock arrived at 14:25

[14:47, 09/04/2024] Michael Noël Turner: 745002 platform 2 arrived at 14:46 for 15:30 Norwich Thorpe to London Liverpool Street cleaning 🧹🧼 inside and cabs

[15:14, 09/04/2024] Michael Noël Turner: 170206 platform 5B 1L09 09:51 Liverpool Lime Street to Norwich Thorpe 15:07 for 1R80 15:48 Norwich Thorpe to Liverpool Lime Street 21:30

[15:18, 09/04/2024] Michael Noël Turner: 745006 platform 1 1P32 13:30 London Liverpool Street to Norwich Thorpe arrived at 15:19 for 1P51 16:00 Norwich Thorpe to London Liverpool Street cleaning 🧹🧼 inside and cabs 🪥

[15:40, 09/04/2024] Michael Noël Turner: 755415 platform 3.arrived at 15:40 for 16:27 Norwich Thorpe to  Cambridge 17:44 cleaning 🧹🧼

[20:20, 09/04/2024] Michael Noël Turner: 745006 platform 2 arrived at 20:20 for 21:02 Norwich Thorpe to London Liverpool Street

745002 platform 1 for 20:32 Norwich Thorpe to London Liverpool Street

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