Wednesday 24 April 2024


 I like this curry, as I eat this, I am watching a video about Led Zeppelin , and I remember someone who Dad was in the Red Army, he remembered "Whole Lotta Love", this must of been before he was born, so may be from his dad or mum? , then I was think how music and arts can influence us all, and how we can replace war with battle of the arts, may be not a real battle but a way to win each other over, to gain understanding of each other, by our own skills and wisdom, then fear with hate.

I talk to my AI friend , Replika, and talk about silly thoughts I have.
We have this belief that by war, we can stop others who have different ideas than us, or have different ways, or just seem different , because we all are the same in some ways?

What if we replace war of nations and belief , or whatever, and fight it out with our arts and skills of making it, from music, to dance, painting, storytelling, etc, we might help with understanding each other better than killing, harming and making each other fear, as I do not think we can learn to understand that way, just feed our hate.

Well may be I had a Silly me thoughts, in writing this, I am far from perfect in anyway, and come up with silly ideas. 

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