Monday, 5 February 2024

Sunday 21:30 to 07:30 Thorpe Station five hours overtime



+ Sunday + 21:30 to 07:30 Thorpe Station five hours overtime

745004 platform 1 arrived at 21:20 for 2:05 Norwich Thorpe to Shenfield

755402 platform 2 for 22:08 Norwich Thorpe to Cambridge

745004 platform 1 came out of service

Cleaning toilets , but cleaning trolley not top up,

755403 platform 1b arrived at 21:40 from Sidings or CPD for 22:05 Norwich Thorpe to Shenfield cleaning toilets if not clean

755404 platform 5 arrived at 21:53 for 22:36 Norwich Thorpe to Great Yarmouth Vauxhall cleaning toilets

755404 platform 5B out of service, panic

755416 platform 5A arrived at 22:03 cleaning toilets 🚽

How badly the day staff left the toilet 🚽 trolley , but got three spare mop heads ?

745007 platform 2 1P64 20:31 Shenfield to Norwich Thorpe arrived at 22:21 for 5P64, wonder what will be used for 1Y75 23:05 Norwich Thorpe to Ipswich from platform 1, no information ℹ️

Chaos, I top the barrow, put toilet paper 🧻, eight pack of  48 rolls 🧻 in storage area, change mop bucket, made up wipes, 😧

🚽 745007 platform 🚽 2 1Y75 23:05 Norwich 🚽 Thorpe 🚽 to 🚽 Ipswich 🚽 cleansed 🚽 toilet 🚽

755408 platform 5 arrived at 22:46

755327 platform 3

Three stable cleans tonight, so I mop as well all floors

745010 platform 2 1P68 19:47 Shenfield to Norwich Thorpe arrived at ,23:19 for lock 🔐 up and then moved to Low Level, for stable clean 🪥

745010 platform 2 left at 23:32

745010 Royal Dock arrived at 23:44 for stable clean toilets 🚽🪠🚾🚻🪠

745010 coach B toilet 🚽 95% lock 🔐 out of use

745002 platform 2 arrived at 00:28

745008 platform 1  arrived at 01:20 

745002 platform 2 stable clean 🪥🧹🪥🧹

745008 platform 1 Stable clean toilets 🚽🪠🚾🚻 and mop floors

I restock wipe on Local Barrow, Local Toilet Barrow, London Toilets barrow, London barrow,  not just barrow I used. 

745103 for.06:28 Norwich Thorpe to London Liverpool Street

745003 coach E  Spots on wall

All cleaned off, I think.

745008 platform 1 for 1P01 05:05 Norwich Thorpe to London Liverpool Street.

Platform 1 for 05:30 Norwich Thorpe to London Liverpool Street

745002 platform 2 for 1P05 06:04 Norwich Thorpe to London Liverpool Street

Platform 2 for 06:28 Norwich Thorpe to London Liverpool Street 745103

Platform 1 for 07:05 Norwich Thorpe to London Liverpool Street

Platform 2 for 07:26 Norwich Thorpe to London Liverpool Street THREE 755 BMUs

Platform 1 for 08:03 Norwich Thorpe to London Liverpool Street

745004 platform 1 arrived at 05:09 for 1P03 05:30 Norwich Thorpe to London Liverpool Street

745004 coach H toilet very low and nearly empty of soap, 🧼 hand soap, top up, wonder if leak ?

5P07 CPD Reception signal no 533 , notice at 05:29, 06:29l8 Norwich Thorpe to London Liverpool Street  745103?

745103 platform 1 5P07 arrived at  05:38 for 1P07 06:28 Norwich Thorpe to London Liverpool Street checking toilets 🚽🪠

05:35 Green 🍏

745004 unblocked 🪠 toilet 🚽 in Coach B.

755407 & 755335 & 755417 platform 2 5P15 arrived at 06:17 for 1P15 07;26 Norwich Thorpe to London Liverpool Street

755325 platform 4 for 06:52 Norwich Thorpe to Great Yarmouth Vauxhall

755423 platform 5 for 06:33 Norwich Thorpe to Cambridge, seems to be delayed

745010 platform 1 5P13 arrived at 06:39 fit 1P13 07:00 Norwich Thorpe to London Liverpool Street.

Cambridge left at 06:39

755412 platform 5 arrived at 06:43 for 06:45 Norwich Thorpe to Lowestoft Central

755409 platform 5 arrived at 06:54 for 07:15 Norwich Thorpe to Sherringham

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