Monday 26 February 2024

Why a Mars Colony is a Dangerous and Stupid Idea

I think this dream of living on Mars, has been done a few time, in Sci-fi films and stories, still think it great to have a dream, but I think imagination  to make Mars a place to live for the Earth richest people, so as they do not need to mix with poorer or others humans, on Earth, or deal with the many problems here?

Some of the billionaire might hate Trade Unions, well none of them, on Mars? May be just Robby The Robot, just like Forbidden Planet film from 1956, will help them do all the jobs, they want doing.
No need for poor humans then, and no trade unions who are  demanding more resources.
This might be a dream for some people, but I think that a nightmare, even if it could be done? 

I think I am saying, IMHO, the idea that living on Mars for a select few, is great for a dream, but if that happens, i think it will turn quickly to nightmare, better to make life better on Earth, than work on the impossible, but still dream, and learn more. 

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