Friday 23 September 2022

Thursday 21:30 to 07:30 Thorpe Station, three hours overtime.

 ++++++++++ Thursday Night 🌃 Shift +++++++ Ten hours +++

745102 platform 2 locked 🔐 up and ready to leave

745001 platform 1 arrived at 21:19 for 22:02 Norwich Thorpe to London Liverpool Street vacuum carpets

755421 platform 3b for 21:40 Norwich Thorpe to Cambridge vacuum carpets

745101 platform 1 arrived at

755424 platform 5b arrived at 21:49 for 22:05 Norwich Thorpe to Lowestoft Central

755415 platform 6 arrived at 22:08 for 21:40 Norwich Thorpe to Lowestoft Central vacuum carpets

755325  platform 7 latter

A Customer using platform 7 ?

745110 platform 1 arrived at 22:20 stable clean latter, vacuum carpets now

755332 platform 4b arrived at 22:40 for 22:45 Norwich Thorpe to Sheringhams , 755405 platform 5B not cleaned

745005 platform 2 arrived at 22:45 for 23:05 Norwich Thorpe to Ipswich inside

745108 platform 2 arrived a few minutes ago

745110 platform 2 stable clean coach A, B, C, D wrong way round

745108 platform 2 left at

755415 platform 4b arrived at 00:11 vacuum carpets

755401 platform 6 vacuum carpets

745 platform 2 arrived at 00:24

755325 platform 7 checked

755332 platform 4A vacuum carpets

745007 Low Level stable clean

745007 Low Level stable clean J, K, L, M

745004 l

745004 platform 2 for next unstable clean

336 417




765335 dirty and cleaned toilets



745004 platform 4 unstable clean J,K,L,M

745110 platform 1 not 2? Did I type that by mistake,

745110 platform 1 for 05:05 Norwich Thorpe to London Liverpool Street.

745004 platform 2 for 05:30 Norwich Thorpe to London Liverpool Street.

745007 Low Level for 06:04 Norwich Thorpe to London Liverpool Street.

745101 CPD clean for 06:28 Norwich Thorpe to London Liverpool Street.

745108 CPD clean for 07:05 Norwich Thorpe to London Liverpool Street.

745010 4RD Dept Clean Software Regression for 07:26 Norwich Thorpe to London Liverpool Street.

745005 Ipswich Clean for 05:12 Ipswich to London Liverpool Street.

745003 Harwich Parkston Quey clean for 05:15 ECS to Ipswich, then in service to Norwich.

745102 Depot Clean - TBA.

745006 Depot Clean - HOLD.

745007 platform 2 arrived at 05:40 for 06:04 Norwich Thorpe to London Liverpool Street

745108 platform 1 arrived at 05:44 for 06:28 Norwich Thorpe to London Liverpool Street check

745101 platform 2 arrived at 06:20 for 07:26 Norwich Thorpe to London Liverpool Street

745010 platform 1 arrived at 06:41 for 07:05 Norwich Thorpe to London Liverpool Street

745003 platform 1 arrived at 07:18 for 08:03 Norwich Thorpe to London Liverpool Street early shift

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