Friday 30 September 2022

James O'Brien reacts to Labour's 'astonishing' 33-point lead over the To...

I did think that BJ was the worst PM in history, but he is getting help now, to cover that up[.
It is easy to forget the past, when the new leadership is so bad, for many people in this country.
May be they can show they skills in blaming each other, and promoting hate.
The IMF, Bank Of England, are part of the Loony Left, not that I know, or can say why they are not, just I do not think they are,.
The warnings to our leadership in Westminster should be understood by the UK PM.

I remember a little of the movie "The Forbidden Planet", the small family living on another world, with just then as humans, with "Robby The Robot" doing the daily work needed, no one else is wanted.

Some billionaires seem to have a plan to go to Mars, may be make it they home, without the pain of more worthless and lazy humans who do lower paid work? May be they dream is to replace humans with "Robby the Robot 🤖"?

The many jobs that are seen as unimportant, are made and needed by others who pay for it, and most of all, want this work done, even if they do not respect it?

Think of Traffic 🚥 Warden's, when we want to park our car 🚙 in any place, that causes problems for others, then we want them to ignore our actions, but when other cause delay to our journey and affect us, we want them to make others pay?
Are they good or bad, they are need to keep the traffic 🚥 flowing and each of us getting making our journey more easy?
Still they do not get a thank you for doing they job well, just get notice when they do not, and blamed when it affects us.

I remember chatting with other, what is the most important part of the body, it easy to say Heart or Brain, but each part is very important, and help keep your ♥ heart and brain 🧠 working as it should do, looking after yourself is your role, not harming others. 

I think of some silly things.

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