Saturday 2 March 2024

How to move abroad to Spain & the Canary Islands | What you need to know...

I seem to have a little dream of moving to Spain and Tenerife, I seem to got this idea started, when in December 2019, I was going for a walk, from Las Americas, to the mountain range, on my way, I was passing a house, and I did hear a Scottish accent asking his next door, if he can go though they garden, as his wife lock him out, when she was going to work (well that what I thought I did hear, I was on the other side of street).

As I type this, it sounds silly, but I was thinking, why do people move to a island like Tenerife, or Costa del sol, etc, and I keep thinking of that.
I remember I had a spell, of getting Euro Millions lottery tickets, I think in 2020, I bought a ticket when the Jackpot was £169 million, and I was thinking 1969 and 169, well that lucky for me, and I started to have a dream of winning this, as this was a lucky number for me, and moving to Tenerife, just getting a cheap small place, which might not be that cheap?

Well , I would not want to live in the same place, that I am now, or even buy anywhere near where I am now.

Plus I want to experience something different in my life, I also want to seem normal, that feel different?
Of course, it not going to be perfect as a dream if it did happen, I still have problems of every day life. 

Sometimes, this dream seems more silly, and sometimes, it feel like I could do it, if ?
Still many people do, move to all parts of Spain, for they own reasons, some might change they minds and come back, some do it for a short time, and some live there, for the rest of they lives.

I watched many videos of British people moving to other parts of the world, I do find it very funny when some says immigration, that seem a bit ?  Now I am not a big fan of change, but that will happen, and how we live our lives now, also have changed, even how we look back to the past, is changing, I can not go back to being under ten years old, in the 1970's.

there is one thing that many of us do not see, that much better now, nearly each one of us got mobile phones, that can connect us, with nearly anyone around the world, 24/7, in some ways, we might wish for the 1970's, and having just a home phone or phone boxes?
But phone call used to cost a lot, and now, you can What App, to anywhere with the internet?
You can go on holiday, and broadcast video with just a mobile phone, play games, did I say, it a camera, video camera, GPS maps, etc, 
Even can moan about the modern age, on our phones, and people around the world can read it, if they wish.

Moaning is nothing new, how we can share our unhappiness , might be.

Back to subject, I seem to go off subject a lot, silly me.
I just want a simple life, in a place that I might feel more safe.

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