Monday 29 January 2024

Finally Made the Move, Gave Up My Life in England to Live in the Philipp...

I just watching this You Tube video, can see British people move all over the world, they are expats, and it good for them, if they can make it work.
It strange that many people who hate "Strangers" , foreigners coming to Britain, talking about stealing they steal our jobs, claiming benefits, using the NHS, fill our Council Home or getting free tents, changing our culture, etc
Some even hate that we got too many foreigners in they country,  that they move to Spain, Germany, France, and other places around the world, to get away.
It seem it our right to go around the world, to live anywhere we like, but it not others right to come to the UK? in they opinions, a little two faced, IMHO.

Humans are not tree's, we can move about, and have done, with transport that can get us around the world, so quickly than in the past, 
I dream of moving to another place, on Earth, so may be I am two faced as well.

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