Monday 27 November 2023

Rest Day Sunday 14:30 to 21:30 Thorpe Station seven hours overtime

 I would have data on what I done today, from What App, but the What App crashed on my BlackView A55 Pro phone, and lost all the data I put in, so lost it all, even if I had backed it up, set up in settings, lol some times things just go wrong, I was on toilets today, one person inside.

I was on Norwich Thorpe to Witham train shrive on Great Eastern main line, then I help out inside, as of course doing litter inside the 12 coach train is more work than five toilets, still the blocked toilets sometimes slowed me down.

I better not say my opinions of the very costly toilets, that get blocked so easy, the trains are some of the most popular trains in the world, but I can not say the reasons for that, may be I just do not like the reverse flush, I am learning how to do it better, to unblock the toilets, not a fun job, more so when have to clean up the mess in the toilet area, after?

I would not have to type so much, if What App did it job, tonight, just type in the last train I was cleaning, and it crashed, and lost all my messages, it done this before, when I charge it when it is on, then  resets itself, but this time, it just crashed, lol cheap phones.

I say this, but I made a choice to get cheap, as if it fail me, I could buy another, more easy.

My BlackView A80 Pro was a wonderful phone, for the cheap price, with USB C port, that seem to work great when new, but as it got older, had problems , I got another cheap phone, BlackView A55 Pro, just did not use it for months, as the !80 Pro was still working, and found way to keep charging the battery.

But one day, I seem not to cheat and charge the battery of the A80, as no cable would stay in the USB C port to do that?

So I started to use the A55 Pro as my main phone, then that had charging problems too, but different , I could not charge it, when it was on? It would reset, in a strange way?

So I started to turn it off, to charge it, something I never did for any of my past phones.

When the BlackView A55 Pro is working, is great to use, but when it is not, it is such a pain?

Still they are strong phones, even if sometimes not great, when playing up.

The touch screen is ok, not when wearing gloves, of course. 

I could go on talking about the phones, is cheap better than higher prices phones, well it for each of us to make a decision, it our money to spend, and we need the best information to understand what is best, but everyone say they are the best, but is it best for our own needs, that harder to know?

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