Sunday 5 March 2023

Rent crisis: why is renting so bad in the UK?

If you think with the opinion of 55 Tufton Street, people who have not got resources and funding to pay for higher cost, should just work longer, get another job, get a higher paying job? 
The biggest problem is "the invasion" by what they call illegal immigrants who get Government payed for hotels, the same ones that said Brexit would fix this a few years ago?

Still they never talk of renting crisis that affecting so many people, because they do not help promote they own point of view.
May be if they can blame immigrants of course, to build up hate of outsiders, strangers in our land, who in they nightmare they want to share,  take over our lands, and want to replace our Yorkshire Tea & Curry, Yorkshire Bitter fish & chips, with something we do not want and might fear?  

I wonder why so many problems that was seen in the past are making a return, Council Homes did fix the problems of housing that was around in the Great War and WWII, but it also caused more problems because of bad plaining, bad building quality, and limited thinking, so we go back to the same problems as in the past, and might end up doing the same mistakes too, to correct them, without fixing anything.

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