Friday 30 November 2007

New Day & another blog

I started this blog, because ? I can.
This will be public & have not very much about my work, very little.
Not that many people will read this, if any.

I wonder how many blog get read at all ? may be a lot of them never get read at all, by anyone, after thay have been made.
I just put the last two post to Yahoo 360, to help me start off this very boring blog.

Entry for 30 November 2007 Friday
Entry for 30 November 2007 Friday magnify
I had a few strange dreams last night ? One when me , xxxxx & someone else went to the Trafford Arms pub, for a meal, the name had been changed and it looked more like a restaurant than a pub.
Very strange to have that dream about ?

I got up at just after 0800, going to have my daily bath.
First day without 'Wonder Kitten', took the last photo of him, before that.
They came around 2000 I think, forgot now what time she & her son came.
Part of me wish I keep him, but I got too many cats, with five.

I am going to work about 0930 hours, to get the 1000 Norwich to Ipswich train.

Entry for 29 November 2007 Thursday 1000 to 1700
Entry for 29 November 2007 Thursday 1000 to 1700 magnify
I am going to start to change what I put here, not going to just put list of train anymore.
No one wants to read it, well I do not know anyone.
I was at work 1000 to 1700 today.
Next week, will be night at Ipswich station.
Some one is said to come round after work, to see 'Wonder Kitten'
some time after 1800 today.

Ulster-Scots will feature in ads
Religious rise Census shows Islam is now Ireland's third largest faith group

Thursday 29 November 2007 - 06:42PM

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